When you volunteer your time, provide financial support, or share a story, you make a difference.
You can change lives. You are the Y.
Give Where It's Needed Most
Or support a specific part of our mission:
send a child to camp
help a local family who needs food or housing
give children and teens a safe space and healthy food
For information on giving related to securities, annuities, life insurance, or bequests, please contact:
Dorrie Hipschman
Director of Development
207-563-9622 ext. 1004

Help with sports programs
Whether you're a pro or a novice; whether you want to work with kids or adults—there's a way for you to help out in our sports programs, like becoming a coach, referee, or general assistant.
Help teach cooking classes
You can help teach children or adults the joy of cooking using nutritious, locally sourced food. We especially need volunteers to help with our third-grade class program.
Help your neighbors
Events like Special Surfers, Back to School Bash, and Trunk-or-Treat always need extra helping hands. Our Community Navigation program sometimes needs extra help too.
When you volunteer at the Y, you provide leadership and talent that's vital to empowering your neighbors and your community to learn, grow, and thrive.
To volunteer, please download and complete the Volunteer Application and return it to the CLC Y. For more information, contact Samuel Inman at